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              FUNKY KNUCK

                     YOU UP

           I gRuP JaZZ funk inStRuMentaL aSaL
           DaLLaS ini SeBenaRnya teRDiRi DaRi PaRa
           MuSiSi PengiRing MuSiSi-MuSiSi keLaS
           inteRnaSiOnaL seperti Beyonce, Erykah
           Badu, P Diddy, sampai The Polyphonic
           Spree, yang hingga terakhir berbekal tiga
           rilisan, yakni As of Lately (2012), Meta-Musica
           (2014), dan terakhir New Birth (2016).
             Dengan komposisi yang padat,
           mereka mengaku di album terakhir bukan
           menghiraukan berapa not yang sudah
           mereka susun, tetapi lebih pada kejujuran   e thiS native DaLLaS JaZZ-funk inStRuMentaL gROuP COnSiStS Of
           momen yang menantang satu sama lain untuk   the SiDeMen fOR wORLD-CLaSS MuSiCianS such as Beyonce, Erykah Badu,
           membuat format musik yang asimetris serta   P Diddy, to The Polyphonic Spree, which so far has released three albums, As of
           harmonis secara tidak konvensional.   Lately (2012), Meta-Musica (2014), and New Birth (2016).
             Mereka adalah Wes Stephenson (bass),   With solid compositions, the band stated that in their last record they put
           Cedric Moore (drum), Phill Aelony (guitar),   more focus to highlight the honesty of moment to challenge each member in
           Ben Bohorquez (saksofon), Evan Weiss   creating asymmetrical and harmonically unconventional music rather than stick
           (terompet), dan Kwinton Gray (keyboard),   to the original notes.
           dan akan tampil dua kali dalam Jakarta   The Funky Knuckles, composed of Wes Stephenson (bass), Cedric Moore
           International BNI Java Jazz Festival 2019.   (drums), Phill Aelony (guitar), Ben Bohorquez (saxophone), Evan Weiss (trumpet),
           Dalam situsnya, mereka dengan konyol   and Kwinton Gray (keyboard), is scheduled to perform two times in Jakarta
           mengaku bukan hanya mahir bermusik tetapi   International BNI Java Jazz Festival 2019. In their band website, they hilariously
           juga jago membuat tiga tipe sandwich yang   claimed to be more than a group of musicians but also sandwich whiz mastering
           bahkan lengkap dengan harganya.       in three different sandwiches displayed with each respective price.

                        AFGAN                    I CukuP MenDengaR SuaRanya,    e it iS eaSy fOR the PuBLiC tO
                                                 Maka ia akan MuDah untuk       ReCOgniZe the DiStinguiSheD
              sIGNATURE VOICE                    DikenaLi. Demikianlah Afgan atau   vOiCe of Afgansyah Reza, or
                                                 Afgansyah Reza dikenal oleh publik.   popularly known with his stage name
                                                 Karakter suaranya sebegitu khas,   as Afgan. The character of his voice
                                                 dan terus seperti demikian sejak   is so distinctive which he continues
                                                 ia memulai karier lewat album   to maintain since he began his
                                                 Confession No.1 di tahun 2008 saat   singing career with the release of
                                                 berada di bawah label musik Sony   his debut album, Confession No.1
                                                 BMG Indonesia.                 in 2008 under Sony BMG Indonesia
                                                   Maka dengan keberagaman warna   record label.
                                                 musik seperti di album perdananya   His first album features diverse
                                                 yang mengusung pop, R&B, soul,   music genre, pop, R&B, and jazz to
                                                 dan jazz, suara Afgan adalah warna   name a few. With his enchanting
                                                 asli yang tidak lekang hingga 10-  voice, in the last ten to eleven years,
                                                 11 tahun terakhir ini, menelusuri   he has released The One (2010), L1ve
                                                 album-albumnya yang lain, The One   to Love, Love to L1ve (2013) and Sides
                                                 (2010), serta L1ve to Love, Love to   (2016).
                                                 L1ve (2013) dan Sides (2016).    In his last two albums, under
                                                   Dalam dua album terakhir di   Trinity Optima Production record
                                                 bawah Trinity Optima Production   label, his thick and heavy tenor
                                                 tersebut, suara tenor yang sejatinya   voice are explored as in his latest
                                                 tebal dan berat itu berlanjut pula   album released in 2018, introducing
                                                 ketika “Love Again” dari album   the single “Love Again”. Catch the
                                                 terbarunya meluncur di 2018    signature voice of the singer in
                                                 dengan label yang sama, yang di   Jakarta International BNI Java Jazz
                                                 tahun ini akan terdengar pula di   Festival 2019.
                                                 Jakarta International BNI Java Jazz
                                                 Festival 2019.

           44   MUSIC  The Official Java Jazz Festival Magazine

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