Page 71 - MUSIC - Meja Communication
P. 71

Do read the terms
                                                                                 & conditions on your
                                                                                 ticket before the festival starts!

                                                                                   do buy tickets

                      WHEN AttENdING jAkARtA INtERNAtIONAL                         ahead of time
                              BNI jAVA jAZZ FEStIVAL 2019
                                                                              No oNe waNts to be that persoN who
                                                                                 waits uNtil the last miNute theN
                                                                               fiNds out that the show is sold out.

               DoN'T                               do briNg
               BRING                               a digital

               oUTSIDE                              camera                    MISS tHE OPENING
               FooD & DRINK                        with you                   OR SMALL ACtS

                                                                              one of the best feelings is
                  Into the festival arena.        Because it's always nice    seeing an unknown band live for
                                                   to have a few pictures     the first time, and just knowing
                        Prepare some cash          and maybe a video to       that they'll be big.
                        or your BNI debit/        document a great night.
                        Credit Card to top up     But make sure you don't
                        your tapCash to buy      block other festival goers      DoN'T STEp IN FRoNT oF
                        food and exclusive         when you are taking              SomEoNE ShoRTER
                        java jazz Festival's      pictures from the crowd       ThaN yoU, IF yoU'RE Tall
                        merchandise.             while watching the show.

                      DoN'T cut in line. We learned this in elementary school, right? It is beyond rude to show up in the
                      middle of the show and to push your way to the front, especially as a group. It is disrespectful to the
                      people who took the time out of their day to get there early so they could get a place close to the stage.

                                                                                         Do CoNSIDERING
                                                 don't talk                              WEaRING EaRplUGS

                           DoN'T                 too much                                You can buy cheap ones and
                                                                                         they'll seriously protect your
                           BRING                     in the                              ears from damaging.
                        Any weapon, guns,
                        fireworks & drugs.         middle
                                                  of music                Do dance at shows as long as you're
                                                                          not invading other people's space.
                  Do aTTEND ShoWS aT all                                  If you are bumping into other
                 DIFFERENT TypES oF VENUES         festival
                                                                          people, they're forced to move
                   Smaller venue provide a unique   you may have paid to see   out of the way - sometimes
                 experience where you can be close   the show, but so
                 to the artist but arena shows can be   did everyone around you.   sacrificing their perfect view of the
                   equally as spectacular and epic.  Just enjoy the show.  stage - or risk getting their feet stomped on.

                                                                                  MUSIC  The Official Java Jazz Festival Magazine  69

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