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Get Inspired

        “                     “                     “                    “

         RINOV, Aftersales  “  LINA MONGAN,    “    DICKY, HR Recruiter  “  SAHIDA URDUN,   “
        The population of the      MD Golf          Frankly to say, I’m not   MD Fresh
        millennials generation   This is should be a   satisf ed with both   Whoever wins
         is the biggest. They   celebration for all   candidates. Their programs   the election
        will be the determinant   Indonesians. The   are not even persuading   will be a great
         factor. So, go vote.   candidates have   the swing voters. However,   president who
           There is no use    visions and missions   I hope after the debate,   solves problems
          to complain if the   for better Indonesia.   I will know my decision.   and develops
       development of our city   I choose not to be a   The most important is to   the Indonesian
         and country is not as   White Party. That’s   keep things simple even if   resources. Being a
        expected while in fact   the least I can do for   we have different choices   White Party is not
         we don’t even vote.     my country!            of President.       even a solution.


                        IN THE ELECTION?

           JDers, do you know that the election is coming by April 17? During
          the celebration of democracy, you have the right to vote. We asked
            several JDers on this matter. Keep on reading and we hope it will
                         inspire you in welcoming the forthcoming election.

        “                     “                     “                    “

             FEBRINA,     “     ADE, MD Books  “         BIANDA,     “      ENDAH, Seller   “
        Performance Marketing  I want to encourage       MD Sports       Support Marketplace
          To vote is a must.    all JDers to vote.   As a good citizen,    We have to vote,
          Because whatever    Trust me. Even if you   we have to vote for   regardless it will or
         it takes, we are the   don’t know who will   the better future of   not affect, because
          future generation.   you give your vote    Indonesia. One vote   it def nitely will. The
          If it’s not us, who   for, vote whoever     brings signif cant   most important is to
           else will decide     wins your trust        change to the     respect other people’s
            the leader of      because one vote          country.         choices to maintain
            our country.        can change all.                           peace in the nation.
                                          JDMAGZ · APRIL 2019
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