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                                      TAURUS      SCORPIO
                                (April 20 – May 20)  (October 23 – November 21)
                   Love Life: Clarify and transparent in   Love Life: A little argument can go in
           communication and behavior are the keys to a   the way.
                             successful relationship.  Career:  A challenging task will come,
         Career: Embrace change within your workplace.  f nish it well.
         Finance: Every effort will generate a result. Start   Finance: Your f nancial life will improve
                             saving. Pay your debts.  step by step.

                                       GEMINI     SAGITARIUS
                                (May 21 – June 20)  (November 22 – December 21)
       Love Life: Be patience in dealing with some things.  Love Life: Trust your effort, you will enjoy the
      Career: Your strategy in completing your job will be   result at the end of the day. Career: Try to be
                         on the highlight this month.  friend with your superior, understand their
                  Finance: Avoid impulsive expenses.  perspectives.Finance: Start to plan long term
                                                         investment. Control your daily expenses.
                    (June 21 – July 22)                       CAPRICORN
           Love Life: Rest assured that                         (22 December – January 19)
          your personal life will be ok.                         Love Life: A marriage proposal
             Career: Focus on your                                is coming your way, single
                career to achieve                                  ladies and gentlemen.
            satisfaction. Try to be                                 Career: When your working
                      on time.                                       schedule is getting tighter
          Finance: Your f nancial                                    all of sudden, anticipate
          life is safe. Meanwhile,                                    with no-procrastination.
               help your friend                                       Finance: This month
                  during their                                        is the month to
                  hard times.                                         adapt. Prioritize your
                                                                      primary needs.
          (July 23 – August 22)                                       AQUARIUS
               Love Life: Long            ARIES                      (January 20 – February 18)
                 term love will                                      Love Life: Keep the
                 enter your life.       (March 21 – April 19)        emotion low, try to
              Career: Finish your    Love Life: Don’t be in a rush.   control it.
                  job effectively.   You will get the harvest from   Career: If you do a mistake,
                  This is the time    what you sow. Career: Put    there is no need to be
                       for you to      more focus on your self-   ashamed of. Honesty and
                    be recognized.   quality. Finance: Money can   dedication will add your values
                Finance: Try to invest   be earned. Keep donating.  in front of your superior.
                in the “secure” category.                     Finance: Put most of your income
                                                              to your saving account for the sake
                          VIRGO                               of your future.
           (August 22 – September 22)        LIBRA
          Love Life: Misunderstanding?   (September 23 – October 22)  PISCES
           Try to adapt and be humble      Love Life: Your      (February 19 – March 20)
                 to help you solve the   interpersonal skill can   Love Life: Know the problem
                           problem.  help you to solve the problem.   and try to communicate with
            Career: Finish your job one   Career: Improve your social   your partner.
           by one without complaining.  communication skill to   Career: Stay low and be careful
                Finance: Let go of the   make everything better.   with words, especially around
           miscellaneous expenses. Use   Finance: Believe that   colleagues.
              the emergency fund only   your f nancial stability will   Finance: To make things better,
                    when it’s needed.   eventually get better.  try to start saving or donating.
                                          JDMAGZ · APRIL 2019
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