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InDra aZIZ FOr GOOD I dunIa jazz IndonesIa e The IndonesIan jazz musIcal
BeRuntung memIlIkI sejumlah
stage Is gReatly Blessed wIth
GOES TO THE geneRasI PeneRus, salah satunya asPIRIng FutuRe geneRatIon, one
adalah Indra Aziz. Penyanyi jazz
of which is Indra Aziz. The jazz soul
MAIN STAGE soul yang sebelumnya lebih banyak singer, who predominantly engaged in
mentoring singers such as Afgan, Raisa,
berkutat sebagai pelatih Afgan,
Raisa, Agnez Mo serta berbagai Agnez Mo and finding new talents
program kompetisi pencarian bakat through Indonesian Idol, X-Factor
seperti Indonesian Idol, X-Factor Indonesia, to The Voice Indonesia
Indonesia, hingga The Voice programs, is finally released his debut
Indonesia ini akhirnya mengeluarkan album, For Good.
album solo perdananya, For Good. Indra, who admires Miles Davis and
Pengidola Miles Davis dan Gene Gene Krupa, compiled songs about
Krupa tersebut mengetengahkan love and life in his debut album as
lagu-lagu bertema cinta dan focal points and combined them with
kehidupan di album perdananya, various musical elements, including
dengan menggabungkan berbagai brazilian jazz in “Come Love” as well
elemen musik termasuk brazilian jazz as the fusion between traditional
di lagu “Come Love”, atau perpaduan jazz and soul in “Give Love Get Love
traditional jazz dan soul di “Give Love Spread The Love”.
Get Love Spread The Love”. Big names in the Indonesian music
Album perdananya sendiri industry were behind his debut
ini banyak didukung sejumlah album, for instance, Ricad Hutapea
musisi kenamaan, seperti Ricad (tenor, soprano, sax, flute), Nikita
Hutapea (tenor, soprano sax, Dompas (guitar), as well as Elfa Zulham
flute), Nikita Dompas (guitar), and Titi Rajo Bintang (drums). The
serta Elfa Zulham dan Titi Rajo performance of the musician, who
Bintang (drum). Performa dari involved in the production of Tiga
musisi yang turut terlibat dalam Dara – Aransemen Ulang Lagu Film
Tiga Dara – Aransemen Ulang Lagu with fellow musician Danilla, in Jakarta
Film bersama Danilla ini patut International BNI Java Jazz Festival
dinantikan. 2019 is worth the wait.
JaMES VICKErY I PenyanyI asal InggRIs InI e the BRItIsh sIngeR Is cuRRently
sedang menanjak dI tangga aRIsIng In sPotIFy vIRal chaRts,
YOUNG TALENTED lagu sPotIFy vIRal chaRts, thanks to his singles, “Epiphany” and
BRITISH R&B SINGER terutama berkat dua lagu single-nya, “Lately”.
His song titled “Until Morning” has
“Epiphany” dan “Lately”.
Lagunya yang berjudul “Until gathered more than 7 million views in
Morning” di channel Colors YouTube Colors YouTube channel, which also
bahkan sudah menangguk lebih dari aided in launching his career since
7 juta view, yang merupakan bagian his name started to gain recognition KUOTA GOKIL FULL 4G
dari tangga kariernya semenjak through talent shows, The X Factor and
namanya muncul di ajang pencarian The Voice from BBC.
bakat The X Factor dan The Voice During the 9 series of The X-Factor,
Bisa di Semua Aplikasi!
dari BBC. he was often seen in the Bootcamp
Di The X-Factor Series 9, feature, singing “How to Save A Life” Bisa di Semua Aplikasi!
dia sering muncul sebagai fitur with the show’s winner, James Arthur.
Bootcamp dan menyanyikan “How The uniqueness of his vocal tone was
to Save A Life” bersama sang discovered during The Voice “Blind
pemenang, James Arthur. Sementara Auditions” with a panel of judges
keunikannya tertangkap langsung consisting of Will.I.Am, Tom Jones,
dalam “Blind Auditions” di The Voice Danny O’Donoghue, and Jessie J.
dengan juri Will.I.Am, Tom Jones, James Vickery is scheduled to
Danny O’Donoghue, dan Jessie J. perform at the Jakarta International
Dengan catatan sederet BNI Java Jazz Festival 2019 with the
kolaborasi bersama gitaris Phil accolades of his collaborative works
Braithwaite serta indie electronic with guitarist Phil Braithwaite and
hit maker Disclosure di lagu “Flow” indie electronic hit makers Disclosure
(2015), James Vickery akan tampil di in “Flow” (2015). Flaunting his
Jakarta International BNI Java Jazz characteristics of British R&B soul, his
Festival 2019. Penampilannya patut live performance is not to be missed.
disimak dengan membawa kekhasan
R&B soul ala Inggris. Pilihan Kuota Super 4G
28 MUSIC The Official Java Jazz Festival Magazine
MUSIC|2019|kat4.indd 28 2/22/19 5:10 PM