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I the soul ReBels meRuPakan tamu
sPesIal karena nama besarnya menempel
di Metallica, Green Day, Macklemore & Ryan
Lewis, Bruno Mars, Snoop Dogg, Arcade Fire,
sampai John Mayer.
Sejatinya, mereka adalah grup hip-hop
dalam bentuk unit brass sehingga terasa
orisinal tanpa kehilangan unsur vokal. Idenya
berangkat dari keputusan untuk memainkan
musik-musik pop yang biasa mereka dengar di e the soul ReBels Is one oF the sPecIal guest staRs since the ensemble
radio, tetapi dengan mempertahankan tradisi is incorporated with the likes of Metallica, Green Day, Macklemore & Ryan Lewis,
marching band khas New Orleans. Bruno Mars, Snoop Dogg, Arcade Fire, to John Mayer.
Disebut sebagai “missing link” antara Public The Soul Rebels is a hip-hop brass ensemble that maintains its originality
Enemy dan Louis Armstrong, grup yang terdiri without losing the vocals element. The idea started from the decision to play
dari Lumar LeBlanc dan Derrick Moss (perkusi), music they heard on pop radio, but preserve the long tradition of the New
Julian Gosin dan Marcus Hubbard (terompet), Orleans marching bands.
Corey Peyton dan Paul Robertson (trombon), Dubbed as the “missing link” between Public Enemy and Louis Armstrong, The
Erion Williams (saksofon), dan Manuel Perkins Soul Rebels consist of Lumar LeBlanc and Derrick Moss (percussion), Julian Gosin
Jr (sousafon) ini meraih Best Rap or Hip-Hop and Marcus Hubbard (trumpet), Corey Peyton and Paul Robertson (trombone),
Album/Mixtape di Off Beat Awards 2013 dan Erion Williams (saxophone), and Manuel Perkins Jr (sousaphone) won the Best
berkali-kali menjadi nomine Best Of The Beat: Rap or Hip-Hop Album/Mixtape di Off Beat Awards 2013 and for several times
Off Beat Awards 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, nominated for Best Of The Beat: Off Beat Awards 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009,
dan 2008. and 2008.
I sosok dI BalIk Pesta jazz tahunan uBud
vIllage jazz FestIval, Yuri Mahatma, akan
tampil di Java Jazz Festival 2019 secara solo.
Gitaris jazz yang biasa tampil di berbagai
acara di Bali ini kerap menggubah beberapa
nomor Jazz legendaris, seperti “Lush Life”
dari Billy Strayhorn dan “Just Friends” dari
Klemmer-Lewis. Namun, dia juga sudah
memiliki album, If I Were Magician, yang
didukung sejumlah musisi luar negeri, seperti e the InFluentIal FIguRe BehInd the annual uBud vIllage jazz
Steve Bolton (drum) dan Joe Rosenberg FestIval, Yuri Mahatma, is slated to perform solo in Java Jazz 2019.
(saksofon sopran), serta Eko Soemarsono The jazz guitarist, who has been occupied with live shows in Bali, often
(kontra-bass), Agung Prasetyo (kontra-bass), does several cover projects of some legendary jazz, such as “Lush Life” by Billy
dan Bogie (drum). Strayhorn and “Just Friends” by Klemmer-Lewis. Nonetheless, he has released
Satu proyek lain dari pengelola sekolah an album, If I Were Magician, supported by a number of international musicians
musim panas Monks’ Place By Underground like Steve Bolton (drums) and Joe Rosenberg (soprano saxophone), as well as Eko
Jazz Movement ini adalah tim kuartet- Soemarsono (contra-bass), Agung Prasetyo (contra-bass), and Bogie (drums).
nya yang memadukan unsur Bali dan jazz, Aside from managing Monks’ Place By Underground Jazz Movement summer
didukung Astrid Sulaiman (piano), Helmy school, Yuri is currently doing a project with his quartet that explores the
Agustian (kontra-bass), dan Ida Bagus Putu combination of jazz and Balinese elements, a project which supported by Astrid
Brahmanta (drum). Simak manis dan uniknya Sulaiman (piano), Helmy Agustian (contra-bass), and Ida Bagus Putu Brahmanta
permainan Yuri pada panggung Jakarta (drums). Catch Yuri’s sweet and magical show on the international stage of Jakarta
International BNI Java Jazz Festival 2019. International BNI Java Jazz Festival 2019.
32 MUSIC The Official Java Jazz Festival Magazine
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